Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Day 20: Batesville, MS and The Days Gone By!

Hello All!!!! 

  I got in to Batesville, MS today, and what a ride! It was so weird, it was a short day and we all made it in before we could even check in to the motel! So I dawdled a little bit and got some food and a milkshake before rolling in..... which is a first, to not be rushed or have to do anything, to just hang out, a block from the hotel!  

  Kara dropped me off this morning in Holly Springs, I stayed with her last night in Memphis after we did an event at the Deli! My family was super stoked to get to hang out with the riders and meet everyone. Of course my parents came out the night before, luring everyone in with food, so they got to meet a lot of people in Dennis, MS. They camped out for, unfortunately, the worst camping night we've had by far. It rained on and off all day while we put in 90 miles, and when it finally seized, it started pouring at 3 am, just before it's time to start getting ready in the morning. Ugh. Miserable! Man did I miss air conditioning, I will never take it for granted again! I hate falling asleep sweating, waking up sweating, and never drying off. Of course, I'm sure I'll talk crap about being dry in Texas, but we'll do that when we get there! So it was pouring, thundering, and lightning until about 6:30 am, and my dad's AWESOME tent was providing me with a steady stream of water. Thanks pops! I thought tents were suppose to be waterproof? but his just diverts it. Making memories sure is fun! 

  So when the lighting and thunder subsided I set out on my bike ride to Holly Springs. I have to admit that I definitely teared up saying bye to my momma! and it was just icing on the cake to see them pass by me in the truck! Sometimes I wonder "what the f*ck am I really doing????" But I just keep pedaling and my bike carries me to the next destination, the next day, the next stop, wherever. I try not to think about all the serious and complicated things in life, I try to just think of this in it's simplest form: a bike ride. That's all it is, right? I mean it's a string of bike rides. I'm not crazy. I'm just riding my bike. 

   After we got in Holly Springs yesterday, which was also another rainy day, I hung out and waited for my muscle milk from the van, took a shower, and packed up for Memphis. Luckily I pulled some strings, talked to some big dogs, and we did a makeshift event at the Deli. Big thanks to my big bro Gabriel!!! THANK YOU G$!  You're the best, everyone had an awesome time and loved it! and like I said, the fam really enjoyed seeing everyone. I felt like I was just hanging out in Memphis with the family, all five of us, it never really sets in that I've ridden my bike all the way down here! I have 1,550 miles under my belt now. CRAZYness. 

   So a recap of the days gone by:    Mississippi hates cyclists! no, I'm kidding, but for a stretch of 2 lane Hwy 78, it sure did feel like it. Spit bottles were thrown, cars were totaled, hillbillys hollered, bones were broken, and seat posts just split straight in half. Actually that might have been a bit of Alabama in there as well, the days kind of have a way of meshing together. 
 HOTlanta:   never got an appearance by Cara O'Hern nor Miss Manting. Damn. Oh well, I guess there was a mix up with Cara about what day I was there. oh well..... Man was it cool leaving Atlanta! It was just early enough to still be dark out, the damp, cool air on the skin and filling the lungs, the homeless still tucked away in their sleeping bags on the sidewalks, and as we rolled out of the city, the sun rised over the skyline. What a ride, that was a great moment. A moment where you realized you were seeing cities in a way that most never will, it's cool to leave cities early, early in the morning. Before the city even wakes up. It was cool seeing NYC wake up on day one, and Philly, Baltimore, and DC as well. 

I saw an airplane in someone's front lawn in Georgia, and that was definitely something you don't see anywhere! who even knows how that plane got there? no airport near, it was just uber random.... and wonderful. I had a silver/gray deer sprint across the road in front of me on the way into Dennis, it wasn't an albino, it was something unique, and there was a bambi as well, but it didn't cross the street. Actually, since this is my blog, I'm just gonna go ahead and say it was a unicorn. I saw a sweet ass silver unicorn. That was on the 15 mile bonus ride into the camp. Hmm, what else has happened?? I saw a wild turkey and babies leaving Atlanta. I've seen 4 deer or so in the early mornings. I saw a wild boar in someone's front yard, with their dog barking at it! that was neat. Definitely had a lot of doggities chase me a little. It's all fun, it's all great, it's all hard to put in to words. Bye for now, I have eaten dinner, but I need more, b/c I'm hungry again already! Dinner, phone chat with Isabel and parents, then bedtime for this kid!  

Ride on!     
- Francesca

ps- Thank you Isabel for all the posts! they look good! 
I edit them when I have a chance, and add a couple things here and there. 
Hopefully she'll put up some sweet pics from the Deli tonight.  

pss- I left my camera in the rain, so everyone pray she makes a full recovery! 

pssssss- I finally named my bike: Belle, my sweet little Southern Belle!!! 

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